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Audio tapes are shown in white. Video tapes are shown in yellow.

Narrator Date Interviewer Release Transcript Format Add'l Materials Copy Location Original Location Notes
Anderson, Lloyd and Mary 4/13/1993 Moris Moen - Index 1 VHS tape - MHC MHC -
Bauer, Wolf 8/3/1992, 9/21/1992 Morris Moen - - 2 VHS tapes - MHC MHC -
Boulton, Ed 11/19/1998 Stella Degenhardt Yes Transcript 1 tape (a+b) - Mountaineers UWSpecColl -
Davis, John 7/13/1994 Morris Moen - - 1 VHS tape - Dungeon MHC -
Dickert, O. Phil 8/15/1998 Morris Moen - - 1 8mm tape - - MHC -
Fickeisen, Frank and Margaret, with Bob Latz 7/27/1994 Morris Moen - - 1 VHS tape - MHC ? P
Fry, Sam 9/22/1998 MHC meeting Yes Transcript 1 tape - Mountaineers UWSpecColl PP
Fry, Sam - Morris Moen - - ? - ? ? Retired Rovers Songfest
Hanson, Marcia 9/16/1999 Pat Zeisler Yes Transcript, summary 2 tapes - Dungeon UWSpecColl P
Hawkins, Jim 4/5/1998 Stella Degenhardt Yes Transcript, summary 1 tape (a+b) Yes Mountaineers UWSpecColl -
Heck, Don 3/8/2000 Pat Zeisler Yes Transcript, index 1 tape - Dungeon UWSpecColl P
Hoff, Diane 9/10/1997 Stella Degenhardt Yes Transcript 1 tape Yes Mountaineers UWSpecColl P
Hossack, Jack 5/24/1995 Stella Degenhardt Yes Note 1 tape Yes Mountaineers UWSpecColl -
Ittner, Ruth - Susan Shannon - - 5 tapes (a+b) Yes Mountaineers UWSpecColl -
Lien, Carsten 9/28/1999 Stella Degenhardt Yes Transcript, summary 1 tape - Dungeon UWSpecColl P
MacGowan, Jane 4/5/1994 Stella Degenhardt Yes Transcript 1 tape Yes Mountaineers UWSpecColl -
Mann, Lee 9/25/1997 Stella Degenhardt Yes Transcript 1 tape - Mountaineers UWSpecColl -
Manning, Harvey 2/16/1994 Morris Moen - - 1 VHS tape - MHC ? -
Maxwell, William 9/13/2000 Pat Zeisler Yes Summary 1 tape - Dungeon UWSpecColl P
Neupert, Bob - Morris Moen - Index 1 VHS tape - MHC ? -
Penberthy, Larry 3/4/1998 Tom Miller Yes Index 2 tapes (a+b) - Mountaineers UWSpecColl [1]
Pye, Alexandra 8/10/2001 Susan Curley Yes Transcript, summary 2 tapes (a+b) - Mountaineers UWSpecColl -
Randall, Alvin - Stella Degenhardt Yes Transcript 3 tapes - Dungeon UWSpecColl -
Rowley, Craig 9/30/1999 Stella Degenhardt Yes Transcript, summary 1 tape - Dungeon UWSpecColl P
Slauson, Nedra 7/19/2001 Donna Keller Yes Index 4 tapes - Dungeon UWSpecColl -
Snider, Roy 9/8/1992 Morris Moen - - 1 VHS tape - MHC MHC -
Stark, Peg and Bill 8/16/1996 Stella Degenhardt Yes Transcript 1 tape Yes Mountaineers UWSpecColl -
Watson, R. Duke 4/25/1994 Stella Degenhardt Yes Transcript 1 tape Yes Mountaineers ? -
Wertz, Wilbur 9/31/1998 Morris Moen - - 1 8mm tape - - MHC -
Wiseman, Paul 1/17/1995, 10/6/2001 Stella Degenhardt Yes Transcript, index 2 tapes Yes Dungeon UWSpecColl PP
P = Past presidents oral history project.
PP = Past president, but not part of past presidents project.
[1] Includes material on Ome Daiber, Jim Lea, Mary and Lloyd Anderson, and Cal Magnusson.

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Contact the History Committee. Last Updated: Fri, Apr 18, 2014 9:24:36 PM