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Charles Wellborn - History of the 86th Mountain Infantry

p. 3: Between January 9 and February 2, 1945 the 86th Regiment was on the front line in Italy. There was constant patrolling during this period.

p. 4: There is a detailed description of the January 21-22 ski patrol deep into enemy territory by Lt. Donald Traynor, Sgt. Stephen Knowlton, Cpl. Harry Brandt, Pfc. Cragg Gilbert and Pfc. Harvey Slater. "The distance to be traversed was not excessive on the map; but the difficulties of travel, weather conditions, and the terrain made the trip an extremely difficult 20-mile journey. The entire distance was to be covered on foot or on skis, and most of the patrol route was known to be subject to direct enemy observation."

p. 11: There are about ten pages describing the attack on Riva Ridge and the later attack on Mont Della Torraccia. I haven't reviewed the account of the later advance toward the Po Valley.

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