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Wolfgang Lert - Ski Memories
This video (23 minutes) opens and closes with scenes of Wolfgang Lert skiing in 1997 (age 80) and 2001 (age 85). He introduces several old films, which are accompanied by music and narration. His first ski memories are from 1930 in Arosa, Switzerland, where he and his younger brother traveled for ski lessons. The film demonstrates equipment and techniques of the day. This is followed by scenes from Mt Rainier in 1933, after Wolfgang's family moved to the United States. Darroch Crookes leads a group schussing above Paradise and demonstrates turns and tricks. Next comes Yosemite in 1935 with scenes of powder skiing, Count Felix Schaffgotsch touring, and Hannes Schroll demonstrating state-of-the-art parallel turns at Badger Pass. Lert was Schroll's first ski pupil in the U.S. The final part of this video, and its heart, is a ski chase filmed on Mt San Antonio ("Baldy") above Los Angeles during the winter of 1936-37. Well made and well narrated--a delight.

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Last Updated: Wed Dec 1 17:38:52 PST 2004