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Cascadian Annual, 1930-39

Cascadian Annual, 1938

p. 4, Cook, Charles L., "Cascadians at Mt Baker"

Eight members of the Cascadians spent a week skiing at Mt Baker in January 1938. They were instructed by Millette O'Connell for three days, then by Otto Lang for four days. "Here is a man who skis like Sonja Henie skates. If you would put a drop of oil on an inclined surface and watch it roll away, you have some idea of how smooth this 'boy Otto' is."

Cascadian Annual, 1939

p. 3, Bowlby, Hobert, "Week End at Scout Cabin"

"For some years past the Cascadians have been ready and willing to accept Clarence Truitt's generous annual invitation to spend a weekend at his Troup One Scout cabin at Gold Hill, surrounded by skiing country as beautiful as any to be found in the Northwest. This year many more Cascadians took advantage of this trip than ever before... Soon from a distance we could hear the chant of those hardy men who toiled up the hill with the ski lift--happy singing crew--which reminded us of the Volga boatmen. The lift was located about one-half mile above the cabin, and was enjoyed to the fullest extent the rest of the day."

p. 9, Hassell, Bill, "Skiing Through the Year"

In the summer of 1938, the Cascadians selected a site "this side of Morse Creek" for a ski hill, leased it from the Forest Service, and moved their ski hut to the spot. Charley Cook contrived the idea of a portable ski tow and in a short time it was a reality. The winter of 1938-39 was a light snow year, and conditions on the new course were poor, so operations were shifted to Gold Hill. An avalanche cleared some trees on the new course, but it was not used due to lack of snow. The biggest slide of the year at Gold Hill buried the ski tow under several feet of snow. The Cascadians "received considerable credit for their management of the Yakima Ski Club PNSA Tournament and for the use of the up-ski [rope tow] for the event." I believe this event was held at Quartermile.

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