Living Northwest History - Photo Descriptions
0:01 Aerial view of Mt Challenger in Washington's North Cascades. [John Scurlock]
0:08 Aerial view of Forbidden Peak in Washington's North Cascades. [John Scurlock]
0:15 Fred Beckey climbing on Castle Rock in Tumwater Canyon, Washington. [Photo by Tom Miller from Climber's Guide to the Cascade and Olympic Mountains of Washington, 1961]
0:22 Fred Beckey skiing below Burgundy Spire during the first winter ascent of Silverstar Mountain in the North Cascades, 1965. [Mike Borghoff, Fred Beckey collection]
0:28 Colin Haley climbing in the Southern Picket Range during the first complete enchainment, 2003. [Wayne Wallace]
0:38 Colin Haley climbing in the Southern Picket Range during the first complete enchainment, 2003. [Wayne Wallace]
0:43 Trevor Kostanich and Forest McBrian climbing the North Summit of Dome Peak during a 2017 ski traverse of the North Cascades. [Scott Rinckenberger]
0:50 Forest McBrian skiing the North Summit of Dome Peak during a 2017 ski traverse of the North Cascades. [Scott Rinckenberger]
0:57 Aerial view of Mt Shuksan and Mt Baker. [John Scurlock]
1:04 Paragliding over Mt Baker's Coleman Glacier during a cross-country flight in 2017. [Jesse Williams]
1:30 "Dadbods" team at the start of the Mountaineers Patrol Race in 2017. [Rick Meade]
1:37 "Dirty Bird Skimo Club" team during the Mountaineers Patrol Race in 2017. [Rick Meade]
1:44 Ski scouting the Eldorado Peak country in 1938. [Dwight Watson]
1:58 Kyle Miller snowboarding Chiwawa Mountain during the American Alps Traverse in 2013. [Jason Hummel]
2:05 Leor Pantilat at Luna Lake during a one-day adventure run through the Northern Picket Range, 2010. [Leor Pantilat]
2:12 Stephanie Subak climbing Cloudcap (Seahpo) Peak in 1986. [Lowell Skoog]
2:19 Lowell Skoog skiing the NW Face of the North Ridge of Forbidden Peak in 2003. [Carl Skoog]
2:26 Aerial view of Eldorado Peak's Inspiration Glacier. [John Scurlock]
2:33 Winter aerial view of Mt Torment in the North Cascades. [John Scurlock]
2:40 Image credits for Living Northwest History (a Lowell Skoog presentation), January 2018.

The Alpenglow Gallery