The Mountaineers - Snow Slopes (a.k.a. Mountaineer Climbs) Home
This film is really six short films combined. All were probably shot around 1929-30. The film can and leader have the following written on them: "Climbs: Whitehorse, Chair Peak, Red Mtn., Mt. Index, Circle Tour, Guye Peak." The film itself has a short title: "Snow Slopes." The film is silent, in black-and-white, and runs 18:40 minutes. It illustrates early, informal Mountaineer climbing techniques, before the club's climbing course modernized them.
The complete film has captions preceding each section, as follows.
Climbing Whitehorse Mountain, May 11, 1930 - about 4 min.
- "Timberline"
- After approaching timberline, party members apply sunscreen. A man on short skis takes a spill.
- "Peaceful water"
- The group pauses next to a pond.
- "Three Fingers"
- A view from near Lone Tree Pass. The group climbs snow using alpenstocks.
- "The goal in sight"
- On the Whitehorse glacier.
- "Mostly up"
- Panorama and views from the glacier.
- "The Leader"
- An unidentified man wearing a hat.
- "Success"
- Summit views. Party members descend from the summit by glissading with almost no control whatsoever.
To the top of Mt. Index - about 3-1/2 min.
- "Around Lake Serene"
- Views of the lake and Mt Index. Party members negotiate heavy brush.
- "Over the snow"
- The leader uses an ice axe while other party members carry alpenstocks.
- "Up the rocks"
- Snow fingers and rock scrambling.
- "Gim'me that lipstick!"
- Party members apply clown white to their faces.
- "Our Good Shepherd"
- The party leader (probably Art Winder). There are scenes of the group on the summit, panoramas, and the descent.
Chair Peak, A rock climb - about 3-1/2 min.
- "Larry's army marches on Chair"
- Views of the peak and a long line of hikers on the approach.
- "Intimate view showing the route followed"
- Views from the east basin. Party members cross snowfields without axes or alpenstocks, then climb a chimney. Near the ridgeline a fixed hand line is used.
- "Believe it or not! They all made it, 25"
- Scenes of the summit party and surrounding mountains.
Circle tour around Chair Peak - about 3-1/2 min.
Paul Shorrock leads the party toward Snow Lake. Most party members carry alpenstocks to cross the snow. There are scenes of Snow Lake, Chair Peak Lake, a small pond (upper Melakwa?), closeups of people scrambling, and summit views of Kaleetan Peak and Mt Rainier from Mt Roosevelt.Climb of Red Mountain, 1930 - about 2 min.
Four skiers ascend Commonwealth Basin then scramble to the summit of Red Mtn on foot. There are scenes of the "rugged Mount Thompson Country" and closeups of all four climbers. Lloyd Anderson is the last climber shown.Climbing shots on Guye Peak, June 16, 1929 - about 2 min.
Party members climb snow with alpenstocks. There are summit views and group shots. A hand line is employed to descend from the summit block.(Digital transfer of this film was made possible by a donation from the family of Pete Schoening through The Mountaineers Foundation. Film notes and video clip by Lowell Skoog.)