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Lowell Skoog - Clippings, Mountain Troops
For copies of newspaper and magazine articles listed below, try U.W. Libraries.


Seattle Times, Feb 25, 1939, p. 16 - "Arctic Army"

A.P. wirephotos and a short article about 1,000 soldiers of the 3rd Infantry, dubbed the "Arctic Regiment," at Fort Snelling, Minnesota, training on skis and snowshoes in sub-zero weather. "The drills are part of the Army's program for preparing for campaigns in extreme climatic conditions." Col. M.C. Shallenberger is the commanding officer. Proof that the U.S. Army had winter and ski training underway before the Russo-Finnish war.


15th Infantry Headquarters, Dec 16, 1940 - "Special Orders No. 260"

1st Lt. John B. Woodward, 15th Infantry, is placed on detached service at Longmire, Washington, as per verbal orders of December 14, 1940. (From DPL-WHG.)

Life Magazine, Jan 20, 1941, p. 78 - "Army's New Ski Patrol Practices on the Snowy Slopes of Mt Rainier"

The cover features "U.S. Ski Trooper" Sgt. Reese McKindley standing on the slopes of Mt Rainier. The article has a drawing of the clothing and equipment used by ski troopers in Washington. There are photos of Pvt. Ray Zoberski, 19, "best skier in the 15th Infantry Ski Patrol," taking a small jump on skis, solders lining up, and a soldier demonstrating camouflage methods on snow. The article states: "The Army has no intention of creating an army on skis. However, because it may have to go into action in Alaska or on some other northern front, it wants some troops trained to fight on skis. Its work this winter, therefore, is designed to determine what kind of patrol and reconnaisance tactics as well as clothing and equipment are best suited to such winter fighting."

Life Magazine, Feb 10, 1941, p. 2 - Letter to the Editor: "Ready For Action"

"Sirs: Citizens of the U.S. should carefully study your cover picture of Jan. 20. The expression on the face of this sergeant is quite typical of the attitude of the average American man toward war. He views it calmly, deliberately. No finer picture of the typical U.S. Army man has ever been published. In characteristic American fashion this soldier cooly sucks his homemade cigaret, but one knows almost instinctively that when he takes his last draw from it he is ready to 'go into action.'" --Samuel J. Hadden, Westminster, S.C.

IX Army Corps Headquarters, Feb 27, 1941 - "Special Orders No. 48"

1st Lt. John B. Woodward, 15th Infantry, 3rd Division, is attached to the 41st Division Ski Patrol for temporary duty, effective March 3, 1941. (From DPL-WHG.)

Look Magazine, Mar 25, 1941, p. xx - "Meet the People"

The caption for this photo of 2nd Lt. Ralph S. Phelps says he is leader of the army's first ski patrol. Impressed by the performance of the Finns, the U.S. military decided to add ski troops to its expanding forces last November. "When the first ski patrol was organized as a unit of the 41st Division at Camp Murray, Washington, Lieutenant Phelps won the command in open competition." (The clipping, sent to me by Richard Carlson, son of Ralph Phelps, is slightly truncated.)

41st Division ski patrol at Olympic trail head, photo courtesy Eugene Winters

According to Eugene Winters, this is a "not so good photocopy of what was left of the 41st ski patrol after our 2 or 3 week ordeal in the Olympics - Seven Lakes Basin, etc." Pictured are Lt. John Woodward, Lt. Ralph Phelps, Sgt. Donald Brown, Sgt. Lee Zerba, Cpl. Blaise Claska, Sgt. Harold Peebles, Pfc. Raymond Osborn, Pfc. Everett Remington, Cpl. Eugene Winters, Pfc. Wesley Baker, Pfc. Lester Vining, and Cpl. Robert Williams.

41st Division Headquarters, Apr 24, 1941 - "Special Orders No. 104"

Twenty-one named enlisted men are relieved from special duty with the 41st Division Ski Patrol, effective this date. (From DPL-WHG.)

The New Yorker, Feb 21, 1942 - "Minnie's Ski Troops"

This short article (in "The Talk of the Town") describes the contributions of Charles Minot Dole to creating America's first alpine military force, the 87th Mountain Infantry Regiment.

Saturday Evening Post, Mar 27, 1943 - Cover Art

Painting of a mountain trooper kneeling on skis holding a rifle and dressed in a white parka with a fur lined hood. (No accompanying story.)

Life Magazine, Mar 22, 1943, p. 69 - "Mt McKinley: Quartermaster Corps expedition tests winter equipment there"

Describes the July 1942 expedition that made the third ascent of Mt McKinley while testing cold weather equipment. The article includes photos of the route and of climbers at work on the mountain. It also includes photos and short descriptions of several test items, including tents, sleeping bags, flying suits, Mt Everest suits, overcoat parkas, plastic canteens, stoves, paper underwear, flying boots and mukluks.

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Last Updated: Sat Feb 18 21:05:05 PST 2006