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Lowell Skoog - Clippings, Ski Areas
This clippings file contains items from the following sources as well as miscellaneous items found elsewhere.

Library Name Source
EvtPL Everett Public Library Clippings file: Skis and Skiing, Pacific NW
OC-GWM Martin, George W. Clippings file: Olympic National Park
PAPL Port Angeles Public Library Clippings file: Northwest, Mountains, Olympics
PAPL Port Angeles Public Library Clippings file: Northwest, National Parks, Olympic
PAPL Port Angeles Public Library Clippings file: Northwest, Skiing


Argus, Nov 6, 1964 - "Argus Goes Skiing"

According to one economic survey, Seattle has the highest per capita participation in skiing of any major urban area in the United States. Attendance at Puget Sound ski areas in 1963 was estimated at 620,000 and this year is expected to be 800,000. Overall, attendance is growing at a rate of about 11 percent a year. Mrs. Webb Moffett says, "Stretch pants gave skiing more impetus than the Olympic Games." Says Jim Whittaker, "There is, unfortunately, a little of this status symbol in skiing out here. But not much." Olav Ulland, who has been in the ski equipment business for 24 years, observes, "Nobody wants to walk anywhere anymore." Bill Tanler writes, "More lifts and related ski facilities have opened in the past three winters than were constructed in the preceding quarter century." At Snoqualmie Summit, the Moffetts have added a swing shift from 2 to 10 pm. In the past, they used to shut down between 4:30 and 7 pm, then reopen for night skiing.

An ad on page 5 says that Jim Whittaker and Ron Niccoli are running the Snowcrest Ski School at Hyak.

Argus, Nov 6, 1964 - "The Olden Days Were Different"

In 1929, according to this article, Donald Thomas, Bartow Fite, Cecil Willis and Maurice Vining built the first cabin at Snoqualmie Pass. "In those dim and distant days [early 1930s], only a few such as Hans Otto Giese knew how to ski; the rest simply put on the boards, climbed as high as their wind allowed, and came straight down the mountain. Ben Thompson, then winter manager at Paradise, took pity on some, and introduced them to the intricacies of the telemark, a turn that for some years was a badge of distinction."

Charles Hurley, an early Paradise skier, claims to have been unable to purchase wax in 1930 and made his own from phonograph records, grease from logging equipment, and beeswax. Volney Richmond, hearing of a new aid to climbers, visited the Seattle Fur Exchange and secured from Michael Dederer the skin of a hair seal, from which a taxidermist fashioned "the first climbing skins of the Northwest." Canvas socks were also frequently used. Clothes were often a pair of tin pants and hiking boots, with sox always on the outside.

"The most famous era in Northwest skiing will forever remain that of the buried cabin years, from 1932 through 1942" at Paradise. Summer cottages, buried under 20 feet of snow, had no light or air and, being heated by tin stoves, were always in danger of burning to the ground along with the occupants. "Youngsters today look askance at any climbing, and proper clothes have become a must, with nary a sock ever showing. But old timers still feel that today's skier will never experience the thrill of climbing to Muir on a brilliant morning, gaining a magnificent run, fully earned by one's own effort."

Seattle Times, Nov 30, 1973 - Dunphy, Stephen H., "Sunday gas ban rattles ski resorts"

"Skiing operators who are more than a tankful of gasoline away from major population centers are concerned that the ban on Sunday gasoline sales will affect their businesses." Ski areas closer to the Seattle-Tacoma area could actually benefit. "Webb Moffett, operator of the Snoqualmie Summit skiing area, said that is what happened during World War II gasoline rationing." Snoqualmie had one of its best years during the war because skiers were constrained from driving to more distant areas. Ski area managers are lobbying Congress for favorable consideration are discussing ways to create more car pools or encourage more use of busses. Some ski areas are beginning voluntary cutbacks on energy use, for example by cutting night skiing part of the week.

Crystal Mountain

Crystal Mtn., Inc. - 1958 Offering Circular

This stock offering circular is to finance construction of Phase I of the Crystal Mtn ski area. On the cover is a photo of Dave Newton (who lent me the circular) skiing untouched powder from Iceberg Ridge toward Green Valley. According to the Forward, the U.S. Army trained mountain troops in the vicinity of Crystal Mountain. Tacoma skiers became interested in the general region in 1949. After several years of active consideration of the area, Crystal Mtn, Inc. was formed in 1955. In July 1958, the Forest Service called for proposals to build a ski area and the corporation filed its proposal on September 15, 1958. A permit has been issued to the corporation, requiring that it raise sufficient capital and that an adequate road be built into the area.

The circular describes the Phase I facilities and future plans. It includes fine aerial photos of the ski area site from several directions. The company officers are listed: Joseph E. Gandy, President; Donald H. Amick, V.P.; Leo Gallagher, V.P.; John Graham, V.P.; Francis A. LeSourd, Secretary; Melvin Borgersen, Treasurer; and nine directors: William M. Black, Walter Little, Dr. John E. Lucas, Dr. J. Tate Mason, James I. Metcalf, John W. Mulhollan, Dr. Warren Spickard, Tedrowe Watkins, R. Duke Watson.

Ford Times, Feb, 1967 - Watson, Emmett, "Skiing at Crystal Mountain"

The article describes Crystal Mountain as a "new all-weather resort" that served over 135,000 skiers the previous winter. The article describes the local efforts to establish the ski area, which raised over $850,000 from 750 stockholders, with 70% of them contributing no more than $1000 each. The largest shareholder was in for only $15,000. Much of the work in clearing, grooming and trail building was done by stockholders on a voluntary basis. The ski area lost money during its first season in 1962, due to a poor snow year. Crystal offered full-scale summer operation for the first time in 1965, when more than 60,000 visitors were served. (Clipping from Everett Public Library. Photos by Bob and Ira Spring.)

Seattle Times, Apr 19, 2017 - Gonzalez, Angel, "Crystal's buyer planning upgrades"

Twenty years after Michigan-based Boyne Resorts bought Crystal Mountain ski area from a group of 850 shareholders, John Kircher, area manager and son of Boyne's founder, purchased the ski area from Boyne in late March 2017.

Hurricane Ridge

Bremerton Sun, Feb 25, 1960 - Gilje, Svein, "Hurricane Ridge's Potential Held Back by Dubious Policies"

The writer argues that expansion of skiing at Hurricane Ridge is a chicken-and-egg problem. Olympic Park superintendent Oscar A. Sedergren said, "We could not possibly allow large expansion until we're convinced the skiers will come." Sedergren indicated that permission to add a chair or pomalift would be considered, but only when there is enough demand from skiers. Currently the slopes' concessionaire is required to remove the few poles used for rope tows at the end of the skiing season.

Port Angeles Daily News, Summer 1973 - "Advanced skiers have a problem"

"No successful ski area in the world is reversed like Hurricane Ridge," says Larry Winters, who installed rope tows at the area when it opened in the 1950s. Advanced skiers must take rope tows from the Hurricane Ridge parking lot, on the south side of the ridge, to the crest and ski down the opposite side where a pomalift operates. Winters proposes developing a ski area on the north side of the ridge, in Little River bowl, with a new six-mile approach road from the north. Last fall, Winters, with Dorothy Munkeby and Gus Haley of the Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce; Stan Knapp, Olympic Conservation Council; Mr. and Mrs. Avon Miller, Olympic Ski Lifts; rangers Jack Hughes and Jack Rockwell, and two ski enthusiasts hiked in to inspect the area.

Port Angeles Daily News, Oct 15, 1973 - Watts, Lyn, "Gondola cars could occur in park plan"

The Little River basin has been excerpted from wilderness consideration in the Olympic National Park proposed master plan "to leave open long range options for developing an alternate transportation system to Hurricane Ridge." According to park superintendent Roger Allin, a ski area in the basin is a possibility, but the major stumbling block would be construction of a road up to the area. Allin said a possible alternative would be a gondola linking Heart o' the Hills, a Little River ski area, and Hurricane Ridge.

Scenic Hot Springs

Seattle Times, Feb 1, 1917 - Advertisement: "First Ski Tournament"

This ad appears in the Seattle P-I on February 2. It announces the "First ski tournament ever held in the Northwest," at Scenic Hot Springs on Sunday, February 4, 1917. Five "handsome prizes" will be contested for, with special contests for women. Twenty skiing experts from Victoria, Vancouver, Tacoma and Seattle have entered "to make this the greatest midwinter sporting event ever held in the West." The Great Northern Railway is offering a special $2.80 round trip rate. J.V. Prosser of Scenic can be wired for more information. The ad includes a picture of a skier.

Seattle Times, Feb 2, 1917 - "Twenty Enter Ski Tournament"

The article appears next to an ad for the tourney, to be held under the auspices of the Norwegian newspaper "Vestkysten." Reidar Gjolme of the Pacific Norwegian-American line is receiving entries from contestants. Silver cups will be awarded to the winners. The article lists the entrants so far, including Thor Bisgaard and eighteen other Norwegian sounding names.

Seattle P-I, Feb 3, 1917 - "Twenty-One Entered in Ski Tournament"

Jumps of from eighty to 100 feet are expected, "although some of the men who will compete have had many seasons pass their heads since they essayed the flight through the air on skis." Among the entrants are Ragnvald Flagstad and Olaf Pedersen, "who took part in the exhibition of ski leaping at Seattle during the big snow last winter" (see lds-1916-big-snow), and three young Norwegians recently arrived from Bergen Norway. This article list nineteen competitors.

Seattle Times, Feb 4, 1917 - "Entrants Ready for Ski Tourney"

The trophies will be presented by Thomas Kalderup, Norwegian consul. (In a 3/8/2010 email, Christine Anderson of the Sons of Norway said that this should be Thomas Kolderup.) The article lists nineteen entrants who will "don the skis at noon today and whiz down the long incline to the take-off and soar into the air in an effort to demonstrate that they have not lost their old-time skill." Both the Times and P-I announce on page 1 that President Woodrow Wilson has broken off relations with Germany. The P-I headline blares, "WAR IS IN BALANCE."

Seattle Times, Feb 5, 1917 - "Rain Mars Big Ski Tournament"

Reider Gjolme of Seattle won the February 4 tournament at Scenic with jumps of 70, 76 and 72 feet. Second prize went to Birger Normann of Tacoma with jumps of 44, 34, and 32 feet. Soft snow hampered the skiers and Normann was the only jumper to stand up after his leaps. Third went to O.P. Sather of Tacoma with jumps of 60, 68 and 76 feet. "The feature of the tournament was the performance of Olga Bolstad, a small woman who cleaned up the prizes in the women's events and was awarded honorable mention in the men's events with an average of thirty-six feet." There were nineteen contestants.

Seattle P-I, Feb 5, 1917 - "Ski Tournament Has One Casualty"

"The sum total of the accidents was one sprained ankle." The record jump was 78 feet. Seattle photographer Frank A. Jacobs took motion pictures of the tournament.

Seattle P-I, Feb 11, 1917 - "A Touch of Old-Country Sport - Skiing"

This half-page pictorial includes four photos of the Scenic ski tournament by Frank Jacobs. They depict a jumper in flight, another leaving the take-off, young Grethe Christensen on skis, and a general view of the ski hill, with the takeoff on a cleared slope surrounded by large trees.

Seven Lakes Basin

Bremerton Sun, Dec 31, 1960 - Gilje, Svein, "What About Olympic Ski Areas?"

An unpublished 1947 report of an informal survey of Olympic National Park recommended against both Hurricane Ridge and the now-closed Deer Park area for downhill skiing development. The report recommended Seven Lakes Basin instead, although it acknowledged many drawbacks, including poor weather and access. Hurricane Ridge was developed in spite of the report, on the basis of local considerations. This article has a photo of Heart Lake Basin with Mt Olympus in the background. The article is the first of two parts. The remainder of this article and the sequel (Sun 1/2/61, "Park Sees Potential for Hurricane Ridge, Drawbacks to Seven Lakes") mainly rehash material in earlier Sun articles (see onp-hart-lake-dev).

White Pass

Seattle Times, Sep 30, 1983 - Anderson, Ross, "Mahre twins lobby for ski area"

At Congressional hearings on the state's pending wilderness bill, Phil and Steve Mahre, members of the U.S. Olympic ski team, urged Washington's senators to redraw the boundaries of the Goat Rocks wilderness area to allow the White Pass ski area to expand. The Mahre twins' father manages the ski area. Rep. Sid Morrison, R-Yakima, had previously proposed this change, but it was vehemently opposed by environmental groups.

The Weekly, Mar 14, 1990 - Roberts, Paul, "Ambush at Goat Rocks"

In 1984, Congress designated that an 800-acre slice of the Goat Rocks Wilderness by studied for "possible development" as a ski area. Last summer, the U.S. Forest Service gave preliminary approval to the White Pass Ski Company's plans to expand alpine ski operations into that area. The Forest Service decision "suggests that the tens of millions of acres currently under the [Wilderness Act's] protection nationwide may not be as insulated from economics as was once thought." Ray Paolella, a Yakima attorney who objects to the wilderness development, says, "This is the first time in the history of the act that land was taken out for private, commercial interests." The company's master plan, amended after 1984, shows numerous ski runs and lifts extending into the wilderness area adjacent to the 800-acre parcel. Karen Fant, executive director of the Washington Wilderness Coalition, says that conservationists had to accept the Goat Rocks removal to obtain support of Rep. Sid Morrison for inclusion of the Cougar Lakes area in the 1984 Washington Wilderness act.

Yakima Herald-Republic, Oct 20, 2007 - Lester, David, "Appeal of White Pass expansion denied"

U.S. Forest Service officials denied all appeals to the proposed expansion of the White Pass Ski Area. The proposal would nearly double the ski area's size by expanding southwest into the Hogback Basin. This area was removed from the Goat Rocks Wilderness Area by the 1984 Washington Wilderness Act. Opponents of the plan are likely to try to stop the project in the courts.

Seattle Times, Sep 11, 2008 - Faturechi, Robert, "Judge OKs White Pass resort expansion"

A federal judge ruled on September 10, 2008 that the White Pass ski resort can expand into the Hogback Basin, an area popular with backcountry skiers. The expansion project is expected to begin in April 2009 and last about two years.

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Last Updated: Wed, Apr 19, 2017 5:13:23 PM