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Matt V. Broze - Clippings

Unknown newspaper (Seattle Star?), Apr 15, 1940 - "Death of Skier to Be Probed"

A public probe into the death of Sigurd Hall during the running of the Silver Skis race at Paradise Valley will be held in Seattle, according to Peter Hostmark, president of the Pacific Northwest Ski Association. Contestants said Hall had told them before the race started that he intened to "win or crack up." Hostmark said the purpose of the hearing would be to determine whether or not the course was too tough and should be modified. Also injured in the race were Vince Broze and Paul Sceva, Jr. Both suffered leg injuries.

Typed on the photocopy is the following, found written in Sigurd Hall's address book:

The Clock Of Life

The clock of life is wound but once,
And no man has the power
To tell us when the hand will stop,
At late or early hour.

Now is the only time you own.
Live, Love, Toil with a will.
Place no faith in tomorrow
For the clock may then be still.

Matt Broze's collection contains clippings for most of the Silver Skis races from 1938 through 1948. All these articles have been collected in spi-silver-skis. The collection also has competitors' instructions for the 1942 race, which Matt Broze won.

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Last Updated: Fri Nov 8 16:49:42 PST 2002