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Cascadian Annual, 1950-59
Several annuals during this period have accounts by parties of both skiers and snowshoers, a common theme in Cascadian outings of the time. I've made copies of these articles but have not made notes on them.Cascadian Annual, 1956
p. iv, Hessey, Charles, "Greetings To Our Mountaineering Friends"
This is the first "truly representative Club Annual of the Cascadians." Hessey urges mountaineers to work to preserve parts of our remaining wilderness. "And the Cascadians hope that we shall never forget, in our obsession to stand upon the tops of our mountains, that it is far more important for Man to look up than to look down."p. 7, "Snowshoe Mountaineering"
This article was written by one of the Sherpa club members, but the author is not identified. "The arguments with skiers have been frequent and often vehement, about which were better for winter mountaineering, skis or snowshoes. We snowshoers' unanimous reply has been; If skis are better, why do so many skiers stay on the packed hills? We practically never see a skier where there are no tows." Later: "We feel that we will break down the antagonism between snowshoers and skiers and join forces on some trips this winter."Cascadian Annual, 1957
p. 53, Hessey, Charles and Marion, "Where Did the Hesseys Go This Year?"
The article describes trips into the Glacier Peak region during which the movie "Glacier Peak Holiday" was filmed. Locations included White Pass, Napeequa Valley, West Fork Agnes Creek, Cache Col, and Red Pass.p. 72, Prater, Yvonne, "The Cascadians and Conservation"
The author discusses partipation of Cascadian members in conservation work, including formation of the North Cascades Conservation Council. The Council opposes any plans for trans-Cascade highways between Stevens Pass and the Canadian border. At a panel meeting in Seattle, a representative of the Chelan Chamber of Commerce said, "Eastern Washington will choose bread and butter rather than esthetics." Members of the Cascadians hope to make the views of local wilderness conservationists in Eastern Washington better known.The White Pass Ski Company approached the Cascadians to sponsor a request to the Forest Service to allow use of a snowcat in the northeast portion of the Goat Rocks Wild Area for snow surveys and possible ski developments. The club turned down the request, writing "We feel that a dangerous precedent will be established by the introduction of the snowcat even if no further encroachment results." Cascadians sent telegrams to Congress supporting the Wilderness Bill, which will enable wilderness areas to be protected from the threats that can now diminish or even eliminate them.
p. 84, Hessey, Charles D., Jr., "Americans? Si! Oui! Aye! Ja!"
The author writes: "Wilderness appreciation and its formal recognition is America's considerable contribution to the world of mountaineering... We fear that the European mountains are too civilized. Our own National Park idea and Wilderness concept seem the more precious by contrast."Cascadian Annual, 1958
p. 21, Maxwell, Lex, "Mt Hood on Skis"
In May 1958, a group of Cascadians climbed Mt Hood. Most of the party took skis. On the way up, Marcel Schuster trotted off ahead into the darkness. When daylight came he could be seen far ahead, near the crater. He skied back down and disappeared far below, near the lodge. The group took a rest stop for lunch at the crater. By the time the ropes were broken out, Schuster had arrived again in time to rejoin the group. Everyone left skis at the foot of the final chute except Schuster and Bob McCall, who carried them to the summit. "From the top the two summit skiers boomed down first to vanish as small dots on the vast expanse of the mountain below." The rest of the party soon joined them on skis.p. 79, Hessey, Chuck, "What Did the Hesseys Do In 1958?"
The article discusses trips during which the Hesseys filmed "East to West in the North Cascades Primitive Area." The project began in winter with two weeks skiing at Spanish Camp. A light snowfall enabled a small logging operation to continue throughout the winter on the Chewack road, allowing them to drive within 5-1/2 miles of the Andrews Creek trail. In August they backpacked over Hannegan Pass to Whatcom Pass to continue filming. Over the Labor Day weekend they finished shooting on a trip to Windy Peak, near the eastern boundary of the Primitive Area.Cascadian Annual, 1959
p. 3, Prater, Gene, "New Years At Gold Hill"
Describes the Gold Hill scene and the mix of skiing and snowshoeing Cascadians who visited there. Gene and Bill Prater led the snowshoeing group, while Chuck Hessey, Lex Maxwell and Dave Mahre offered instruction in skiing.
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