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Appalachia, 1931

Appalachia, 1931, p. 312 - "Mt Washington - Mt Madison, first ski traverse"

"Miss Jank and Mr Wiessner are distinguished European skiers and mountaineers, Miss Jank having expecially to her credit a complete east-west traverse of the main chain of the Alps, a trip that required 146 days, covered some 1,300 miles, and frequently passed over the summits of 10,000-13,000-foot peaks, to culminate upon the summit of Mont Blanc." At the request of Appalachia, Miss Jank supplied this account of her January 1931 White Mountains trip.

She writes: "The ski is the noble implement to lead the young alpinist in winter to victory over the eternally white polar world of the far and high peaks. [...] The winter dangers were the reasons why I crossed the White Mountains in January, 1931, on skis."

Jank and Wiessner started their trip at Crystal House in Pinkham Notch. Delayed by storm several days they climbed to the Mt Washington cabin. On the morning of January 15, Jank skied southwest to Mounts Monroe, Franklin and Pleasant and returned to the summit of Mt Washington by noon. With Wiessner she then traversed northeast over Mounts Clay, Jefferson and Adams to the Mt Madison cabin. The next day they traversed Mt Madison to the Great Gulf trail and Glen House.

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