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Scientific American, 1895

Scientific American Supplement, No. 1007, Apr 20, 1895, p. 16099 - "Skee Races In Norway"

According to this article, the "skee" or "ski," as it is often called, is as popular in Norway as the bicycle is in France or the United States. The article describes skis and notes that they are secured "so that in case of accident they may be easily cast off." In 1879, Norway formally adopted ski competition and inaugurated the first grand prize, a medal which is now awarded annually. The competition for the grand prize consists of a 15 kilometer cross country race followed the next day by a jumping contest. Under favorable conditions, jumps of 95 feet have been recorded. In 1889, competition grounds were created at Holmenkollen near Christiania. That same year Nansen explored Greenland with the aid of skis. On his return the ski became "the idol of young Norwegians." Last year the grand prize was contested in the presence of King Oscar and 20,000 spectators.

The article includes a large, fine engraving of a skier flying off a jump holding two poles, watched by a crowd of spectactors, all on skis.

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