The Mountaineers Archives catalog is moving to a
new website.
Contents shown below in green have been transferred to the new site.
Climbing, skiing and other outdoor gear held by The Mountaineers.
Also see WSHS Collection 1998.39, below.
Photographs, journals, papers and other ephemera
grouped into collections by donor.
Library Storage
Temporary storage arrangements during library reorganization.
Mountaineer Annuals
Annual journals published by The Mountaineers from
1907 through 1995.
Monthly Bulletins
Monthly newsletters published by The Mountaineers from
1911 to the present.
Miscellaneous Club Publications
Prospectuses, Rosters and other publications, often related to
publication of the Mountaineer Annual.
Movies produced by The Mountaineers or donated to the club.
Oral Histories
Audio or video recordings of prominent Mountaineers.
UW Special Collections
Materials donated by The Mountaineers to University of Washington
Special Collections.
Also materials donated by individual members of The Mountaineers.
WSHS Collection 1998.39
Inventory of 362 artifacts donated by The Mountaineers
to the Washington State Historical Society (WSHS) in 1998.
The Mountaineers catalog numbers have the form
- xxxx — Year the item or collection was cataloged.
- yy — Catalog sequence for the given year.
(Example: "2007.3" designates the third catalog entry in 2007.)
- zz — (Optional) Individually cataloged item in
collection xxxx.yy. Further subdivision is allowed as
- Catalog number may optionally be preceded by "MTR" to denote The
Mountaineers Archives (example: MTR.2007.3).
The next available catalog number is:
Archives Layout (click to enlarge)