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North Cascades Conservation Council Newsletters, 1990-99
A complete run of NCCC newsletters is available at UWSpecColl.The Wild Cascades, Spring 1998
p. 12, McConnell, Carolyn, "In Memoriam: Jane McConnell"
Jane McConnell died on February 21, 1998. This remembrance, by her grand-daughter, says that Jane met her husband Grant in the 1930s, when she was a nurse at Reed Colledge, after Grant broke his arm in a skiing accident. The couple later lived for three years in a cabin in Stehekin, where the author's mother, Ann, and uncle, Jim, were born.p. 13, Dyer, Polly, "Whose ice axes?"
The author describes meeting Jane McConnell in Stehekin in summer 1955, at the end of a backpacking trip with Phil and Laura Zalesky to become familiar with the de facto wilderness on the east side of the Cascade Crest. During her next trip to California, the author visited the McConnells at their Berkeley home. Daughter Ann was eight years old at the time, suggesting that the McConnells' three years in Stehekin were in the later half of the 1940s. Grant McConnell was a professor of political science, and this article describes his role in forming the North Cascades Conservation Council.p. 14, Zalesky, Phil, "The People Who Created the NCCC"
The author was the first president of the NCCC. He describes meeting Jane McConnell in Stehekin. He explains that it was Grant McConnell who urged the creation of a single-issue conservation group devoted to the North Cascades. The article describes some of the early meetings, disagreements over strategy, and involvement by Mountaineers and Sierra Club members.
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